Saturday, February 12, 2011


wassup der! *nada seorang gangster tanya khabar. hahaha. ada gaya gangster tak aku? ok, tengok je pix kat atas pasti semua dah tahu siapakah mereka dan apa tajuk filem tersebut. kalau tak tahu, aku nak habaq kat korang dan kalau dah tahu, tahu - tahu kan lagi pasal cerita ini ye. ceritanya begini, tengah syok - syok dengar lagu korea kat di astro chanel, aku terlihat satu video clip ni. *boleh tengok video clip tersebut di bawah yee. dalam hati aku berkata - kata, eh kenapa aku macam pernah tengok video clip ni tapi tak pernah dengar lagu. setelah hampir 2 minit aku mendengar lagu tersebut, baru aku teringat bahawa video clip ni sama macam cerita crow zero lah. ada filem crow zero versi korea ke? penat google tapi tak jumpa pula artikel berkaitan filem crow zero korea version. aku hanya tahu video clip di bawah ini meniru jalan cerita / babak dalam crow zero jepun sahaja.

Both crows zero 1 and 2 are directed by Takashi Miike . The movie is based on the manga Crows written by Hiroshi Takahashi . Though I did not read the manga I have to say the movie was pretty good . It is an action movie that tells the story of a very violent school named Suzuran . The movies don't have only high school characters but also 2 yakuza boss and their men .

The first movie presents the fights inside Suzuran while the second presents the fight between Suzuran and another school . ( P.S. though most of the movie is placed inside schools..we rarely get to see actual teachers . I think we get to see them actually only once .)

The movie starts Shun Oguri and Takayuki Yamada as the main characters .
I must say that besides some parts that I do not agree with (there always are parts where I would have changed in pretty much all movies I have seen ) this is a good movie .

This is a good movie for :
People that like Japanese / Asian movies .
People that like seeing most of the action in schools
People that like action
People that like fighting
People that like seeing strange schools .

It would not be a good movie for :
People that do not like seeing violence .
People that like order in schools
People that want to see normal characters (as in normal hair, clothing , etc)
People that do not like Asian movies .
People that do not like blood.

Movie may contain :
Destruction of property (:D)

Conclusion : It is a good movie though elderly people might not like it (for many reasons.. some might be that most of the characters are young , but , it depends on his/her preferences ) . The movie contains a lot of action and maybe even some drama and comedy . It shows the life of a student that tries to conquers a school as he struggles to achieve what his Yakuza leading father has not . He makes friends that he probably wouldn't have thought of ever making and tries to aim for success .

Tahukah anda bahawa saya adalah peminat fanatik cerita Crow Zero. aku ingat lagi bagaimana aku boleh terjebak dengan cerita jepun ni. ceritanya begini, pada suatu hari isnin pagi tahun lepas, ketika itu aku sedang tidur di dalam kelas kerana ketiadaan cikgu. *yee saya memang kaki tidur. tiba - tiba aku terjaga tidur kerana apek kuantong (bukan nama sebenar) buat bising di gegendang telinga aku. geram gila time tu. dah lepas geram dan marah kat apek tu, aku pon cuba lah melelapkan mata kembali, tapi tak berjaya plak. pusing kanan, member tengah reply sms. pandang depan, member baca comic. pandang kiri, member tenah buat ketupat dan pandang belakang member tengah kusyuk melihat sesuatu di lap top nya. aku bertanya dengan member di belakang, "oit! tak habis - habis layan BOF huh. bak sini, bagi aku online blog aku jap". kemudian member lelaki aku menajwab, "eh, orang tengah layan cerita budak - budak gangster.daripada kau buat tai mata dan membesarkan badan, better ko tengok cerita jepun ni. best gila!". betul kata member aku! memang syiok habis. semenjak saat tu, 80% budak - budak lelaki dan 30% budak permpuan upper 6 batch aku kemaruk gila dengan cerita tersebut.

sesiapa yang nak upload video crow zero 1 dan crow zero 2, sila beritahu saya yee : )


  1. movie zaman skolah ni. pastu semua budget nak cool. LOL

  2. wah....mcm besh jew....tgok clip tu pown menarik...
    nk try download cnew yew dik amoi ...????

  3. huhu... leh jadi gangster la liez pas nie ek.. :)
    crow zero 2 tak sebest crow zero 1 kan... :)

  4. whoa~~~~
    same! minat crow zero gak hehehe. serizawa~~~
    same untuk 2nd time. i hantu cerita jepun jugak....>__<

  5. hahah.yg pakai selipar tuh mencacatkan keadaan sebenarnyer kan??

  6. search kat google...leh sja kalu nak download....

  7. download

  8. dah tengok jugakkk!! best gileeee!! hoho

  9. oh ada eh versi korea nyer o.O
    yg tu vc lagu oh hahaha

    aku pun minat crow zero
    manga dia CROWS pun ak baca gak ;D

  10. hahaha igtkan perempuan xlayan cter nih ;D

  11. crow zero 5 yg baru kurang best ah.errr

  12. Kalau fanatik betul...bacalah komik sekali tapi karakter tak sehensem dalam movie r.

  13. sampai sekarang tak tgk2 lagi crows zero yang original.. hahaha


  14. saye nak crow zero 3...



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